Sublime list of positive adjectives that start with S "descriptive s words"
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List of positive adjectives starting with s "describing s words"
Saccharine extremely sweet; syrupy; having characteristics of sugar or saccharin.
Sacred worthy of respect or veneration (especially religious).
Sacrosanct sacred; inviolable.
Safe secure of free from danger, harm, risk or evil.
Sagacious acutely wise and insightful; having a sound judgment.
Sage showing or having profound wisdom or judgment; wise.
Saintlike characterized or marked by utter benignity.
Saintly of or pertaining to a saint; saintlike.
Salient prominent; conspicuous; jumping; springing; projecting or pointing outwards.
Salubrious healthy; health-giving.
Salutary healthful; wholesome; beneficial; profitable.
Salutiferous healthy; salutary; beneficial; remedial; medicinal.
Sanctified declared, made or believed to be holy; sanctimonious.
Sanctimonious holy; sacred; saintly.
Sanctioned approved or established by authority.
Sanguine confidently cheerful and optimistic; having a healthy reddish color.
Sapid tasty or full of flavor; pleasing to the mind or taste.
Sapient acutely wise and insightful; sage.
Saporific producing or having the power to produce sensation of taste, flavor or relish.
Sassy spirited and lively; bold; jaunty; chic; stylish.
Satisfactory producing or giving satisfaction; adequate; sufficient.
Satisfied filled with satisfaction, pleasure or enjoyment.
Satisfying that gratifies, satisfies, comforts or pleases; convincing.
Saucy lively and bold; sexually suggestive or pleasing.
Saving rescuing; preserving; frugal.
Savory appetizing to the smell or taste; piquant; ethically or morally acceptable.
Savvy well-informed, perceptive or shrewd.
Scenic affording or constituting pleasing views of natural features; picturesque.
Scholarly of or pertaining to a scholar.
Scientific of or pertaining to science; methodical; systematic; precise.
Scintillant of or pertaining to science; methodical; systematic; precise.
Scrumptious splendid; delicious; delectable; fine; first-rate.
Scrupulous exact; precise; careful; nice.
Seamless smooth; perfectly coherent and consistent; moving easily.
Seasonal being used or occurring in a specific season.
Seasoned experienced; having had spices or herbs added.
Second-to-none best.
Secure free from danger, harm, risk or fear; reliable; assured; certain.
Sedulous diligent in pursuit or application; constant; steady; assiduous.
Seemly of pleasing and beautiful appearance; handsome; suitable; appropriate.
Select refined or careful in making choices; of special value or quality; top-notch.
Self-assertive determined advancement of one’s own views, wishes or personality.
Self-assured showing or having confidence and poise; self-reliant.
Self-confident confident of one’s own ability, strength or powers.
Self-disciplined be in control of one’s own actions and abilities.
Self-made having achieved success by one’s own efforts.
Self-sacrificing willing to help others by giving up own interests, feelings and the like.
Self-starting resourceful and energetic.
Self-sufficient independent; able to provide and help oneself without help of others.
Selfless unselfish.
Sensational outstanding; spectacular; exceptionally good.
Sensible appreciable; easily or readily perceived; aware intellectually or intuitively.
Sensitive capable of perceiving with a senses or sense; displaying or having a delicate and quick appreciation of others feelings; responsive to stimuli or external conditions; quick to respond or detect to changes, actions or signals.
Sensual exciting or gratifying (especially sexually); voluptuous.
Sensuous gratifying or appealing to the senses.
Sentimental extravagantly or affectedly emotional; romantic.
Sequacious observing or having a logical sequence; ductile; manageable; following.
Serendipitous discovered or happening by chance in a beneficial or happy way; favorable.
Serene calm; placid; undisturbed; peaceful; clear; unclouded; without anxiety or worry.
Service intended for use in serving or supplying.
Set established or fixed by agreement; intentional; ready.
Settled established; fixed; steadfast; stable; resolved; decided.
Sexual of or pertaining to sex; capable of sexual reproduction; symbolizing or implying erotic activity or desires.
Sexy characterized by or tending to arouse sexual interest or desire; beautiful.
Shapely having a distinct or pleasant shape; well-formed; fit; suitable.
Sharp having clear detail and form; intellectually keen; exact; precise; intense; attractive or stylish.
Shatterproof resistant to shattering.
Sheen beautiful; attractive; resplendent; shining.
Shining characterized by exceptional merit; splendid; brilliant; radiant; distinguished; emitting or reflecting light; polished.
Shiny radiating or reflecting light; bright; having a shiny and smooth surface; glossy; excellent; remarkable.
Shipshape well-arranged; organized; neat; trim; tidy.
Showy aesthetically pleasing; flashy; brilliant; stylish; striking.
Shrewd keen; sharp; knowledgeable; satirical.
Sightly visually pleasing and appealing; scenic; conspicuous.
Significant meaningful; important; notable n. something that is significant.
Silken having a gleaming, smooth, soft and/or reflective surface; luxurious; delicately pleasing.
Silky of or pertaining to silk; silken; lustrous; soft, smooth and gleaming.
Silver bright, resplendent and white; precious; melodious, clear and gentle (especially sound); eloquent.
Silver-toned melodious and clear; silvery in shade or color.
Silvery resembling silver in appearance, color and luster; melodious clear and gentle.
Simple easy; plain; straightforward; direct; innocent; humble.
Sincere truthful; earnest; pure; genuine; whole; perfect; unhurt or uninjured.
Sinewy powerful; strong; muscular; firm.
Singular unique; distinct; remarkable; unusual.
Sisterly like a sister; affectionate.
Sizable fairly large; relatively good or suitable.
Sizzling very passionate, exciting or interesting (especially emotionally).
Skillful showing or having skill; talented.
Skilled showing or having skill; expert; talented.
Sleek smooth; glossy; healthy; thriving.
Slick smooth and efficient; glossy; shrewd.
Slinky graceful or sexually attractive in movement; fitting closely or perfectly to the lines of body (especially of a garment).
Smacking vigorous; brisk; lively; smart.
Smart bright; clever; fashionable; elegant; well-dressed.
Smashing impressive, wonderful or very good.
Smiley cheerful; smiling; happy.
Smiling smiling with optimism or happiness.
Smooth having a fine texture or quality; calm; having a pleasant flavor; lacking difficulties.
Snap easy; simple; done or made suddenly.
Snappy energetic; lively; brisk; sharp; smart; tidy; chic; fashionable.
Snazzy fashionable; flashy; elegant; stylish; attractive; excellent or clever (especially in behavior or execution).
Snod smooth; trimmed; neat; sleek; well-organized.
Snug cozy; comfortable; safe; secure; well-constructed.
Soaring ascending or rising to a level markedly higher than the usual.
Sociable friendly, affable and pleasant; inviting; associable.
Social spent in, enjoy or marked by friendly companionship or relations; sociable.
Societal of or pertaining to the society.
Soft smooth; fine; affectionate; attracted; tender; easy; calm.
Soft-hearted very responsive, sympathetic or generous in spirit; gentle; tender; kind.
Soigne well-groomed and polished; elegant; fashionable.
Solicitous eager; interested; careful; avoiding anything evil.
Solid whole; firm; sound; reliable; strong; substantial; hearty; excellent; first-rate.
Sonsy having a healthy and attractive appearance; fortunate; lucky; happy; thriving; plump; buxom.
Sooth real; true; smooth; soft.
Soothing giving relief or comfort.
Sophisticated aving worldly knowledge and experience; cosmopolitan; elegant; refined; appealing or suitable.
Sought-after popular; desired; searched.
Soulful full of emotion or feeling; expressive of emotion.
Sound thorough; complete; firm; safe; secure; trustworthy; upright.
Souped-up modified to increase power, efficiency or attractiveness (especially mechanically).
Sovereign supreme; paramount; independent
Spacious roomy; large or vast in extent.
Spangly sparkly; glittering; covered with jewels, beads and/or sequins.
Spanking swift and energetic; fresh and brisk; remarkable.
Sparkling glittering; flashing; brilliant; lively.
Sparkly lively; high-spirited; vivacious; glittery.
Special surpassing what is usual or common; exceptional; extra.
Spectacular worthy of special notice; amazing; impressive; sensational.
Specular having a properties and qualities of a mirror; smooth and reflecting.
Speedy swift; quick; hasty; prompt; ready.
Spellbinding fascinating; attracting.
Spicy lively; high-spirited; zesty; piquant; sexy; aromatic.
Spiffy stylish; well-dressed; fine; dapper.
Spirited full of vigor, life or courage; lively.
Spiritual not material or tangible; sacred; supernatural.
Splendid brilliant with color or light; radiant; splendor and very beautiful; showy; very good; magnificent; pompous; famous; celebrated.
Splendiferous splendid; beautiful; gorgeous; brilliant.
Spontaneous happening or arising from natural feeling or native tendency; done without planning; sudden.
Sport appropriate for use in sports or athletic activities.
Sporting of or pertaining to sports.
Sportive frolicsome; playful; merry; sporty.
Sporty jazzy; flashy; exhibiting sportsmanship or fair play.
Spot delivered, made or paid immediately.
Spotless perfectly clear or clean; free from blemish or impurity; immaculate; neat.
Sprightly full of vitality and spirit; lively; brisk; vivacious; energetic.
Spruce elegant, smart and neat in appearance.
Spry lively; active; brisk; vigorous; nimble.
Spunky plucky; spirited; courageous; sexually attractive.
Square honest; direct; just; equitable; even; tied.
Stable enduring; permanent; self-restoring; durable.
Stacked voluptuous and having a large bosom (especially of a woman’s body).
Stainless spotless; immaculate; pure.
Stalwart firm; resolute; stout; brave; bold; strong.
Staminal of or pertaining to stamina.
Standard widely recognized as a model or excellence; commonly used; familiar; usual.
Standing remaining upright or erect; unchanging or permanent; fixed.
Stand-up honorable; honest; upright.
Star famous; outstanding.
Starry resembling a star; glittering; shining; sparkling; stellar.
State public.
Stately impressive or dignified as in size; worthy of respect; majestic; lofty; grand.
Statuesque like a statue as in dignity, grace, beauty or proportion.
Staunch firm; steadfast; true; loyal; reliable; outstanding.
Steadfast steady; firm; constant; resolute; unswerving; loyal.
Steady firm; fixed; sure; unfaltering; unwavering; reliable; sober.
Steamy warm or hot and humid; erotic; sexy.
Stellar outstanding; heavenly; exceptional; wonderful; principal; starry; astral.
Sterling valuable or excellent (especially of person or their work; genuine; pure.
Sthenic active; vigorous; strong.
Stick-to-itive persevering; resolute.
Stimulant stimulating.
Stimulating exciting or quickening activity or the senses; making lively, fresh or cheerful.
Stimulative having a renewing effect on the state of the mind or body; capable of stimulating.
Stipendiary receiving or compensated by stipend; for which money or something is paid.
Stirred emotionally aroused or excited.
Stirring rousing; active; lively; invigorating; inspiring.
Stocky sturdy and solidly built; compact and heavy; headstrong.
Stoical capable to endure hardship or pain without complaint; fortitudinous.
Storied much talked, written or celebrated about.
Stout characterized by bravery, boldness or determination; resolute and firm; sturdy; powerful.
Stouthearted courageous; brave.
Straight-out straightforward; complete; frank; honest.
Straightforward direct; open and plain; free from pretense; honest; frank.
Strapping robust; muscular and healthy; of a young person full of vigor; lusty.
Strategic of or pertaining to strategy.
Street-smart having practical knowledge.
Streetwise having the knowledge, experience and resourcefulness needed for survival.
Strenuous zealous; ardent; urgent; earnest; bold; valiant; intrepid.
Striking sensational or exciting in appearance or in effect; impressive; very noticeable.
Strong of good condition and quality; solid; sure; powerful; effective; intense; eager; ardent.
Studious characterized by diligent study and reading; showing great attention or care.
Stunning exceptionally attractive or beautiful; impressive; amazing; surprising.
Stupendous astonishingly large or great; enormous; amazing; wonderful.
Sturdy resolute; firm; strong; stout.
Stylish having taste or elegance in manners or dress; modish.
Suasive persuasive.
Suave charming; courteous; elegant; pleasant; delightful; gracious.
Sublime majestic; noble; awe-inspiring and impressive; supreme.
Substant firm; substantial.
Substantial real or true; strong; solid; sustaining; ample; possessing property or wealth; essential; most important; vast.
Substantive considerable; substantial; actual; real; firm; enduring; independent.
Subtle characterized by skill and cleverness; capable of making fine or precise distinctions.
Successful having obtained something favorable, desired or intended.
Succinct clearly and briefly expressed (especially of something spoken or written); concise.
Succulent full of sap or juice; lush; highly enjoyable; delectable.
Sufficient enough; ample; competent; content.
Sugary characterized by qualities of sugar; sweet.
Suitable appropriate or right for a particular purpose, situation or person.
Sultry exciting, arousing or gratifying (especially sexually).
Summary brief, concise or presented in a condensed form; summed up.
Summery of or pertaining to summer.
Sumptuous lavish; magnificent; luxurious; rich and extremely good in quality.
Sun-kissed having an attractive appearance and tan by exposure to sun; made beautifully tanned or pleasantly warm by the sun.
Sunny cheerful; genial; warm; bright; shining; radiant.
Super excellent; first-rate; very great, large or extreme.
Superabundant exceedingly or extremely abundant or sufficient.
Superb very or unusually high in quality; excellent; majestic; grand; rich; elegant; showy.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious extraordinarily wonderful or good (a nonsense word popularized by the movie Mary Poppins).
Super-duper very excellent; marvelous; truly great.
Supereminent superior to above all others; surpassingly eminent; outstanding; very lofty.
Superethical above ethics or more than ethical.
Superexcellent uncommonly excellent or superior in degree.
Superfluous beyond what is sufficient or required; excessive.
Superior higher in quality, value, excellence, rank, station or authority; extraordinary.
Superlative of the highest quality, degree, rank or order; excessive; exaggerated; superb.
Supernal heavenly; celestial; exalted; exquisite.
Supersonic very fast; faster than speed of sound.
Supple pliant; adaptable; compliant.
Supportive providing assistance or support.
Supreme greatest in importance, degree, significance, character, power, rank and the like; ultimate.
Sure certain; confident; firm; reliable; safe; secure.
Sure-fire certain to be successful or perform as expected.
Sure-footed proceeding surely or steadily; capable and confident.
Sure-handed confident, skilled or proficient in performance (especially with hands); dexterous.
Surpassing exceeding; exceptional; superior.
Sustained held up to a certain level, degree or pitch; continuous.
Svelte attractively and gracefully thin or slender; moving with ease.
Swank fashionably stylish, luxurious, expensive and elegant.
Swashbuckling adventurous.
Sweet pleasing to the senses; gratifying; kind; gracious; fragrant; cute; lovable.
Swell excellent; wonderful; elegant; stylish.
Swift very fast; instant; rapid; quick.
Swish fashionable; elegant; posh; smooth; effeminate.
Sybaritic characterized by pleasure and luxury.
Sylvan of or pertaining to the trees, forest or woodlands; residing in a tree, wood or forest n. one that resides, lives in or frequents the woods or forest.
Symmetrical having similarity in characteristics; harmonious.
Sympathetic inclined favorably; having similar tastes and disposition; expressing compassion or friendly feeling.
Symphonious harmonious; accordant; agreeing in sound.
Synergistic of or pertaining to synergism; co-operative; interacting.
Systematic methodical; orderly; regular.
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Labels: Positive adjectives, Positive s adjectives
good ;3
Good, but i needed adjectives that are seperated, but otherwise it's good.👍
Hi Stephanie, could you elaborate what you mean exactly, so I could maybe help you?
Have a sublime day :)
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